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HIGH-PASS is an AudioVisual experience that inspires new ways to perceive the connections

between sounds and images.


Everyday sounds of a motorway have their meanings questioned when minimal visuals expose 

the inherent ambiguity of sensory information.


Through an intricate audio analysis process, a sophisticated algorithm interprets and translates sounds around into rich, dynamic data. This data becomes the driving force behind the motion in the realtime generative visuals.

A High-Pass filter was used to cancel the low frequencies of sounds.

By modulating the low frequencies of the recorded sounds of cars on a Highway,

the sonic similarities between a busy road and waves breaking on a beach were exposed.


Researcher: Bernardo Varela

Supervisors: Paul Bavister, Felix Faire, Luca Dellatorre

Thanks (TD tutorials): Simon Alexander-Adams, Hristo Velev 

Software: Ableton Live, Adobe Audition, Touchdesigner

Hardware: Binaural Microphones (Sennheiser Ambeo smart headset), Iphone, Surface Book 2


Projected developed on the M.Arch Design for Performance & Interaction

Master programme of the Bartlett School, University College London


#High-Pass, #bernardovarela, #pathwayThree, #dfpi,  #designforperformanceandinteraction, #interactivearchitecturelab, #Touchdesigner, #SennheiserAmbeo, #ableton, #peripheralattention, #motiongraphics, #generativeart




Shifting-Hovering is another experiment of the project Shifting. The experiments are about transporting audiences to different perceptual states. Originally designed for a quadraphonic surround sound, this version is a Ambisonics mix (move around and the sound changes), so headphones are needed.

One single audio file recorded at Clissold Park (East London) was sampled originating all the sounds on the video using granular synthesis .

Researcher: Bernardo Varela Supervisors: Paul Bavister, Felix Faire, Luca Dellatorre // Thanks to: Helena Lukowiecki, Tati Batalha // Hardware: Binaural Microphone SennheiserAmbeo,  Surround sound system // Software: Ableton Live, Touchdesigner, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Audition


Shifting-Seeking is another experiment of Shifting, an ongoing research about transitional states of perception, part of my MA at UCL (MArch Design for Performance and Interaction). On this short film we follow geometric elements seeking entrance to a parallel world where they might belong to. This is a speculative design project that aims to visualize how the concept of transitional states of perception could be explored in a VR environment.

Researcher: Bernardo Varela
Supervisors: Paul Bavister, Felix Faire, Luca Dellatorre
Audio: Friday@Unit15 – The Loose Association of Cinema and Sound

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